Strengthening Communities: Helping the John Howard Society Define Their Mission, Vision and Values

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An organization’s mission, vision and values aren’t just some nice-sounding words created to fill space in annual reports and employee onboarding manuals, they play a fundamental role in shaping an organization’s strategy and communications. That’s why it’s critical for organizations to ensure that their mission, vision and values accurately reflect their organization even as it grows and evolves.

The John Howard Society of the Lower Mainland of BC (JHSLM) found that after expanding their focus from justice reform to also include services for people living with homelessness, addiction and developmental disabilities, their old mission and vision statements no longer expressed the full breadth of their activities. For that reason, they reached out to Elettra to help them update their mission, vision and values.

To achieve this, Elettra held a number of brainstorming sessions with JHSLM employees from all departments as well as their board of directors to identify the key points that would shape the new mission, vision and values. Their feedback was also sought throughout the entire process in order to ensure that everyone could identify with and be proud of the new mission, vision and values. Given that many of JHSLM’s clients come from marginalized communities, a great deal of care was taken to ensure that the language used recognized clients’ autonomy, resilience and value as people.

At the end of this collaborative process, JHSLM was able to implement its new mission, vision and values and have them be embraced by the entire organization.

“The work Elettra did with us has really had a positive and ongoing impact on us and the way we communicate. We refer to our mission, vision and values much more than ever before and they have become the cornerstones that they always should have been.”

- Mark Miller, CEO of JHSLM


We strengthen communities by supporting people experiencing barriers so they can achieve greater independence. 


A safe, healthy and inclusive community for all.



We create an environment where everyone can feel welcome and respected.


We are responsive, take responsibility for our actions, and honour our commitments.


We adapt our approach to the individual and use empathy and compassion in all of our interactions.


We engage and work closely with others – both within and outside our organization.


We are passionate, do not shy away from tough challenges, and respond to setbacks with a renewed drive to succeed. 

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