Two Minutes With: Michael Young
Today in our ongoing series, “Two Minutes With”, we're talking to talented graphic and web designer, Michael Young. In addition to being an in-demand designer, Michael is also exceptionally handy with a camera. In fact, he's Elettra's go-to photographer for shooting building interiors/exteriors for our PR campaigns.
Check out Michael's online portfolio here.
Favourite publication: Montecristo is simple, tasteful, and always interesting.
Favourite quote: Creative work can often go under-appreciated. Hemmingway sums it up nicely with.. "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."
Favourite food: There is nothing better to eat in the world than a carefully loved and lightly seasoned, grilled Wagyu steak with a peppercorn cream sauce on the side, paired with a dark full bodied stout.
Favourite font: The obvious choice - Helvetica is perfect when kerned and used properly and obviously boring when not. In graphic design, it separates the amateurs from those who care.
Best piece of career advice you have received? Get paid doing what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. Sounds cliché but I'm very happy that I took it to heart, I love what I do and wouldn't change it for the world.
Why do you choose to live in Vancouver? It's home, I was born and raised here. It wasn't until I left that I truly appreciated how beautiful it is.
What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? It's always changing but right now, anything by Mø.
What is your favourite PR campaign (local, national, or international): Sony (allegedly) acted as though Kim Jung Un was going to engage in war due to The Interview film. The buzz that came from this was enormous.
Michael Young shooting for Mahony & Sons Stamps Landing
Michael Young shooting for Mahony & Sons Stamps Landing